Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Internet Programming 6th Sem Dec 2011 Diploma Paper
Internet Programming Using JAVA Diploma Question Paper
 Q1 Expand the following acronyms: 7.5
    i. AWT
   ii. JVM
  iii. URL
  iv. API
   v. GUI
State True or False: 7.5
   i. One ‘if’ statement can have more than one ‘else’ statements.
  ii. A ‘switch’ statement is always replaced by a series of if else statements.
  iii. In procedural programming, whole data is not shared by all functions.
  iv. In object oriented programming, there is emphasis on procedure rather than     data.
  v. Java Applets are static programs.
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30 Â
   i. What is multithreading? How does it improve the performance of java?
   ii. Why do we need import statement?
  iii. List eight basic data types used in java with example.
  iv. What is a constructor? What are its characteristics?
  v. Discuss major difference between interface and class.
  vi. Explain common types of exceptions that might occur in java. Give               examples.
  vii. Discuss the steps involved in developing and running a local applet.
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
   i. What are command line arguments? Explain with example.
   ii. What is object-oriented programming? How is it different from procedure oriented programming?
  iii. What is an applet? What are its various types?
  iv. Differentiate between
    a. Inheritance and polymorphism
    b. Objects and classes
  v. Write short note on
    a. JDBC
    b. JIT
Internet Programming Using JAVA Diploma Question Paper
Get StartedSection a Internet Programming Using JAVA Diploma Paper
AMT stands for ________________ .AWT
JVM Stands for ________________
URL stands for ___________________.
API stands for _______________________ .
GUI stands for _________________________.
 One ‘if’ statement can have more than one ‘else’ statements.
A ‘switch’ statement is always replaced by a series of if else statements.
Internet Programming Using JAVA Diploma Dec 2011Â Question Paper Click Here
Section B :Internet Programming Using JAVA Diploma Paper
What is multithreading? How does it improve the performance of java?Multithreading and improve the performance of java?
 Why do we need import statement?
Need import statement
List eight basic data types used in java with example.
Eight basic data types used in java with example.
What is a constructor? What are its characteristics?
Constructor and its characteristics
Discuss major difference between interface and class.
Major difference between interface and class.
Explain common types of exceptions that might occur in java. Give examples.
Common types of exceptions that might occur in java.Â
Discuss the steps involved in developing and running a local applet.
Steps involved in developing and running a local applet.
Internet Programming Using JAVA Diploma Dec 2011 Paper Click Here
Internet Programming Using JAVA Diploma Question Paper
Get Started c :-Internet Programming Using JAVA Diploma Paper
What are command line arguments? Explain with example.Command line arguments with Example
What is object-oriented programming? How is it different from procedure oriented programming?
Object-oriented programming
How is it different from procedure oriented programming
 What is an applet? What are its various types?
Applet and its various types
Differentiate between a. Inheritance and polymorphism
Differentiate between Inheritance and polymorphism
Differentiate between b. Objects and classes
Differentiate betweenÂ
Objects and classes
Write short note on a. JDBC
Short note on JDBC
Write short note on b. JIT
Short note on
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