Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2018 Paper

Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma PSBTE Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                                                           15×1=15

      i. NHAI is under the control of ______________ .
     ii. Bitumen containing mineral matter is known as ___________ .
    iii. Road side development is termed as __________________
    iv. The stone wall constructed to protect the hill slope is ______________ .
    v. The first stage of route selection is _______________ .
   vi. Crushed rock is a ____________ road aggregate.
   vii. ________ Map shows the contours of the area.
   viii. MOST signifies ________________ .
   ix. WBM road is an example of ______________ .
   x. Compaction of concrete pavements is done by __________ .
  b) State True or False
   xi. Reconnaissance is also referred as “Recci”.
   xii. The maximum allowable super elevation is seven percent in plain area.
   xiii. Cutbacks can be used without heating.
   xiv. Gradient should always be greater than camber.
    xv. Landslide is one of the major problems of hill roads.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

     a. What are different causes of failure of bitumen roads?
    b. What is the necessity of road drainage?
    c. Explain stopping sight & passing sight distance.
    d. Explain the importance of soil stabilization.
    e. Explain the functions of IRC.
    f. What is Super elevation & why it is provided?
    g. Differentiate between breast wall & retaining wall.
    h. What is sub grade & what are its functions?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

    i. Explain with sketches, various methods of drainage of a hill road.
ii. What is land slide? Give causes, prevention & control measures of landslides.
iii. Define soil erosion. What are the important methods to control soil erosion?
iv. Explain various defects & their remedial measures in a rigid pavement.
v. Explain soundness test with neat sketch.

Highway Engineer
ing HE 5th Sem/Civil
/May 2018 Diploma  PSBTE Paper

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Section a Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2018 Paper

NHAI is under the control of ______________ .
Bitumen containing mineral matter is known as ___________
Road side development is termed as __________________
The stone wall constructed to protect the hill slope is ______________ .
The first stage of route selection is _______________ .
 Crushed rock is a ____________ road aggregate.
________ Map shows the contours of the area.
MOST signifies ________________ .
 WBM road is an example of ______________ .
Compaction of concrete pavements is done by __________ .


Reconnaissance is also referred as “Recci”.T/F
The maximum allowable super elevation is seven percent in plain area.T/F
 Cutbacks can be used without heating.T/F
Gradient should always be greater than camber.T/F
Landslide is one of the major problems of hill roads.T/F

Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma  PSBTE Paper Click Here

Section B :Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2018 Paper

What are different causes of failure of Bitumen Roads?

Different causes of failure of Bitumen Roads

What is the necessity of road drainage?

Necessity of road drainage

Explain stopping sight & passing sight distance.

Stopping sight & passing sight distance.

Explain the importance of soil stabilization.

Importance of soil stabilization.

Explain the functions of IRC.

Functions of IRC.

What is Super elevation & why it is provided?

Super elevation & why it is provided

Differentiate between breast wall & retaining wall.

Comparison between breast wall & retaining wall.

What is sub grade & what are its functions

Sub grade and its functions

Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma PSBTE Paper Click Here

Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/
May 2018 Diploma  PSBTE Paper

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Section c :-Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma  PSBTE Paper

Explain with sketches, various methods of drainage of a hill road.

Sketches, various methods of drainage of a Hill road.

What is land slide? Give causes, prevention & control measures of landslides.

Land slide and Give causes, prevention & control measures of landslides.

 Define soil erosion. What are the important methods to control soil erosion?

Soil erosion and important methods to control soil erosion

Explain various defects & their remedial measures in a rigid pavement.

Various defects & their remedial measures in a rigid pavement.

Explain soundness test with neat sketch

Soundness test with neat sketch.

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