Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2017 Paper

Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2017 Diploma  PSBTE Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                                                           10×1.5=15

      a. Flexible pavements ________ resist tensile stresses.
      b. Sheep foot roller is useful for compacting ______ soil.
      c. ________ are longitudinal depressions in flexible pavements.
      d. Cement concrete roads are examples of ________ pavements.
      e. Carriage way and shoulders combined together is known as ________ .
      f. Dust nuisance can be prevented by spraying __________ .
      g. Softening point test is conducted by _____________ .
      h. The drains constructed on up slope of hill side are known as ________ .
      i. The vertical curves having their convexity downward are called _______.
      j. The minimum shoulder width recommended by IRC is _____________ .


Q2. Attempt any TEN questions.                                                                    10×3=30

      i. Sight distance
     ii. Super elevation
    iii. Functions of IRC.
    iv. Factors affecting alignment of road.
     v. Necessity of soil stabilization.
    vi. Typical X-section of road in cutting.
    vii. Cut back & emulsion.
    viii. Prevention of landslide.
      ix. Prime coat & tack coat.
       x. Kerbs
      xi. Ruling Gradient
      xii. Camber


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

    a. Compare flexible pavement with rigid pavement.
    b. Draw typical x-sections of a NH in cutting and in embankment.
    c. Explain ductility test of bitumen. Give its significance.
    d. What is a landslide? What are the causes of landslide? What are the factors to prevent land sliding?

Highway Engineer ing HE 5th Sem/Civil /dec 2017 Diploma  PSBTE Paper

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Section a Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/dec 2017 Paper

Flexible pavements ________ resist tensile stresses. Sheep foot roller is useful for compacting ______ soil. ________ are longitudinal depressions in flexible pavements. Cement concrete roads are examples of ________ pavements. Carriage way and shoulders combined together is known as ________________ . Dust nuisance can be prevented by spraying ____________. Softening point test is conducted by _____________ . The drains constructed on up slope of hill side are known as ____________ . The vertical curves having their convexity downward are called __________ . The minimum shoulder width recommended by IRC is ________________.
Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2017 Diploma  PSBTE Paper Click Here

Section B :Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/dec 2017 Paper

i. Sight distance

Sight distance

ii. Super elevation

Super elevation

iii. Functions of IRC.

Functions of IRC.

iv.Factors affecting alignment of road.

Factors affecting alignment of road.

v. Necessity of soil stabilization.

Necessity of soil stabilization.

vi. Typical X-section of road in cutting.

Typical X-section of road in cutting.

vii. Cut back & emulsion.

Cut back & emulsion.

viii. Prevention of landslide

Prevention of landslide.

ix. Prime coat & tack coat.

Prime coat & tack coat.

x. Kerbs


xi. Ruling Gradient

Ruling Gradient

xii. Camber


Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2017 Diploma PSBTE Paper Click Here

Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/ dec 2017 Diploma  PSBTE Paper

Get Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHX6f8TIvX8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_RR6LVICp0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV41CMWonN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LVPE0Q3LE&list=PLA9Q9SDZ781WXNAWit379A4CRLMvjGiUw&index=14&t=0s

Section c :-Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/dec 2017 Diploma  PSBTE Paper

Compare flexible pavement with rigid pavement.

Compare flexible pavement with rigid pavement.

Draw typical x-sections of a NH in cutting and in embankment.

Typical x-sections of a NH in cutting and in embankment.

Explain ductility test of bitumen. Give its significance.

Ductility test of bitumen and its significance.

What is a landslide? What are the causes of landslide? What are the factors to prevent land sliding?

Landslide and causes of landslide

Factors to prevent land sliding

Write the notes on d) Cutback

Short Note d) Cutback 

Write the notes on e) Formation width.

Short Note e) Formation width.

Explain the different joints provided in rigid pavements.

Different joints provided in rigid pavements.

Define soil erosion and explain the methods to control soil erosion.

Soil erosion and  methods to control soil erosion.

What is soil stabilization? What are the different methods of soil stabilization?

Soil stabilization and different methods of soil stabilization

Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/Dec 2017 Paper Contact Us
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