Download Previous Year Question paper of Highway Engineering 5th Sem Civil/2515/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Highway Engineering 5th Sem Civil/2515/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper


Q1. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×3=15

i. Write the functions of NHAI.
ii. What is a transition curve? Why it is provided on Roads.
iii. What is Brest Wall? Where it is provided?
iv. Explain different types of Surface Drainage provided in Hill Roads.
v. What are the functions of Tack Coat?
vi. Explain different defects in Rigid Pavements.
vii. Differentiate between Flexible and Rigid Pavement


Q2. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Explain the different type of joints provided in rigid pavements with neat and clean sketches.
b. What are the special problems of roads in hilly areas? Explain the methods to control soil erosion.
c. Define surfacing; what are the different types of surfacing? Explain Surface dressing in detail.
d. What are the important factors to be considered while selecting a site for an airport?

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Section A

Write the functions of NHAI.

Functions of NHAI.

What is a transition curve? Why it is provided on Roads.

Transition curve and  Why it is provided on Roads.

What is Brest Wall? Where it is provided?

Brest Wall and Where it is provided.

Explain different types of Surface Drainage provided in Hill Roads.

Different types of Surface Drainage provided in Hill Roads.

What are the functions of Tack Coat?

Functions of Tack Coat.

Explain different defects in Rigid Pavements.

Different defects in Rigid Pavements.

Differentiate between Flexible and Rigid Pavement

Differentiate between Flexible and Rigid Pavement

Highway Engineering 5th Sem Civil/2515/Feb 2021 Diploma 2021 Paper Click Here

Highway Engineering 5th Sem Civil/2515/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section B

Explain the different type of joints provided in rigid pavements with neat and clean sketches.

Different type of joints provided in rigid pavements 

What are the special problems of roads in hilly areas? Explain the methods to control soil erosion.

Special problems of roads in hilly areas.

Methods to control soil erosion.

Define surfacing; what are the different types of surfacing? Explain Surface dressing in detail.

Surfacing and different types of surfacing. 

What are the important factors to be considered while selecting a site for an airport?

Important factors to be considered while selecting a site for an airport.

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