Heat Transfer 5th Sem RAC/5406/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Heat Transfer 5th Sem RAC/5406/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×6=30

a. What is heat transfer? Discuss the laws related to different modes of heat transfer.
b. What will be the heat transfer rate if the end of the fin is insulated?
c. Explain the efficiency of fin.
d. Differentiate between free and forced convection
e. Explain Planck’s distribution law.
f. Explain the thickness of insulation.
g. Define black body, grey body and white body.


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

i. Find out an expression for conduction of heat through composite slabs considering one layer of
parallel case.
ii. What are insulators? Write down the properties and applications of any four types of insulators.
iii. Explain the following. a) Grashoff number b) Nusselt number
iv. What do you mean by LMTD? Explain the LMTD for parallel flow heat exchanger.

Heat Transfer 5th Sem RAC/5406/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section B :Heat Transfer 5th Sem RAC/5406/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

What is heat transfer? Discuss the laws related to different modes of heat transfer.

Heat transfer and different modes of heat transfer.

What will be the heat transfer rate if the end of the fin is insulated?

Heat transfer rate if the end of the fin is insulated.

Explain the efficiency of fin.

Efficiency of fin.

Differentiate between free and forced convection

Differentiate between free and forced convection

Explain Planck’s distribution law.

Planck’s distribution law.

Explain the thickness of insulation.

Thickness of insulation.

Define black body, grey body and white body.

Black body, grey body and white body.

List a few applications of Optical Communication ?

Few applications of Optical Communication 

Heat Transfer 5th Sem RAC/5406/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper Click Here

Heat Transfer 5th Sem RAC/5406/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Get Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHX6f8TIvX8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_RR6LVICp0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV41CMWonN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LVPE0Q3LE&list=PLA9Q9SDZ781WXNAWit379A4CRLMvjGiUw&index=14&t=0s

Section c :Heat Transfer 5th Sem RAC/5406/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Find out an expression for conduction of heat through composite slabs considering one layer of parallel case.

Expression for conduction of heat through composite slabs considering one layer of
parallel case.

What are insulators? Write down the properties and applications of any four types of insulators.

Properties and applications of any four types of insulators.

Explain the following. a) Grashoff number b) Nusselt number

a) Grashoff number

b) Nusselt number

What do you mean by LMTD? Explain the LMTD for parallel flow heat exchanger.

LMTD and Explain the LMTD for parallel flow heat exchanger.

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