Fluid Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/0510/May 2018 Diploma Paper

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Fluid Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

       i. The pipe running partially full behaves likes an ___________.

      ii. Vacuum pressure is also called __________________
     iii. The ratio of inertia force to viscous force is known as _______________.
     iv. Bar is the unit of ________________
     v. Loss of head at the exit of pipe is given as _______________
    vi. Pitot tube is used to measure __________ the of stream at a particular depth.
    vii. An ideal fluid is that which has no ____________ 
   viii. In an open channel water flows under _____________
    ix. Piezometer is used to measure the ________________
     x. The sheet of water flowing through a notch is known as ____________.
      b) State True or False.
    xi. Stoke is the unit of kinematic viscosity.
   xii. Specific volume is the reciprocal of mass density.
  xiii. Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure of water at rest.
   xiv. The pressure intensity does not vary with depth of liquid.
    xv. Reciprocating pumps are also called negative displacement pumps


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

    a. Explain the entrance and exit losses in a pipe.
    b. Define an economical section, hydraulic mean depth and wetted perimeter.
    c. State Bernoulli\’s theorem and its applications.
    d. Explain the continuity equation of flow.
    e. Write a short note on differential monometer.
    f. Explain the total energy line and hydraulic gradient line.
    g. Explain the differences between an orifice and mouthpiece.
    h. Differentiate between real fluids and ideal fluids.
    i. Explain the concept of Water Hammer.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

      i. Calculate the mass density, specific weight and specific gravity of one litre of liquid which weighs 9 N.
      ii. A triangular plate of base 3 m and height 4 m lies immersed vertically in water with the apex downward. The base of plate is 1 m below the free water surface. Determine the total pressure and center of pressure.
      iii. Calculate the flow of water in liters/hour through a 40×15 cm venturimeter when differential gauge connected to the inlet end of the meter and its throat shows 25 cm o of mercury. Assume the discharge coefficient as 0.98.
      iv. A differential manometer connected at two points A and B in a pipe containing an oil of specific gravity 0.8 shows a difference in mercury levels as 15 mm. Determine the difference in pressure at the two points in terms of head of water.
     v. A rectangular channel has a cross section of 8 m2.Find the discharge and size through the most economical section. If the bed slope is 1 in 1000 .Take c=55.

Fluid Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma Solved Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

       i. The pipe running partially full behaves likes an .
      ii. Vacuum pressure is also called
     iii. The ratio of inertia force to viscous force is known as .
     iv. Bar is the unit of
     v. Loss of head at the exit of pipe is given as
    vi. Pitot tube is used to measure the of stream at a particular depth.
    vii. An ideal fluid is that which has no
   viii. In an open channel water flows under
    ix. Piezometer is used to measure the .
     x. The sheet of water flowing through a notch is known as .
      b) State True or False.
    xi. Stoke is the unit of kinematic viscosity.
   xii. Specific volume is the reciprocal of mass density.
  xiii. Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure of water at rest.
   xiv. The pressure intensity does not vary with depth of liquid.
    xv. Reciprocating pumps are also called negative displacement pumps

Fluid Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma Solved Question Paper

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Section a Fluid Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma Solved Question Paper

The pipe running partially full behaves likes an ___________.
Vacuum pressure is also called __________________
The ratio of inertia force to viscous force is known as _______________.
Bar is the unit of ________________
Loss of head at the exit of pipe is given as _______________


Pitot tube is used to measure __________ the of stream at a particular depth.
An ideal fluid is that which has no ____________ 
In an open channel water flows under _____________
Piezometer is used to measure the ________________
The sheet of water flowing through a notch is known as ____________.
Stoke is the unit of kinematic viscosity.
 Specific volume is the reciprocal of mass density.
Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure of water at rest.
 The pressure intensity does not vary with depth of liquid.
 Reciprocating pumps are also called negative displacement pumps

Fluid Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma Solved Question Paper Click Here

Section B :Fluid Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma Solved Question Paper

What are the advantages of microwaves over low frequency signals?

Advantages of microwaves over low frequency signals

Differentiate between reflex klystron and multi cavity klystron.

Differentiate between reflex klystron and multi cavity klystron.

Define the various elements of a basic microwave communication link

Elements of a basic microwave communication link.

Explain parabolic antenna in detail.

Parabolic antenna in detail.

Explain microwave isolator in detail with diagram.

Microwave isolator in detail with diagram.

Discuss in detail various transmission losses.

Various transmission losses.

Explain the basic concept of radar display PPI.

Basic concept of radar display PPI.

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Fluid Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil
/May 2018 Diploma Solved Question Paper

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Section c :-Fluid Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma Solved Question Paper

Explain the various multiple access techniques.

Various multiple access techniques.

What is MTI radar? Explain its working principle.

MTI radar its working principle.

Explain construction and working of magnetron.

Construction and working of magnetron.

What is a directional coupler? Explain directivity and coupling factor. What is the main application of directional coupler?

Directional coupler?

Explain directivity and coupling factor.

Main application of directional coupler

Write a short note on the  i. Magic tee

Short note on the 
i. Magic tee

Short Note on ii.Radar range equation

ii.Radar range equation

Write Short Note on iii. GUNN diode.

Short Note on iii. GUNN diode.

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