Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2019 Paper

Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2019 Paper

Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2019 Paper


Duration: 3Hrs.                                                                                                                                     M.Marks:75



Q1. a) Fill in the blanks.                                                                     15×1=15

  1. _____ can be controlled by treatment of sewage, waste water and industrial
  2. The treatment of sewage or waste water is carried out in three steps namely primary, secondary and
  3. _______ is the collection of all biological and non- biological things surrounding an
  4.           Process is carried out naturally in reservoirs and also accomplished in treatment
  5. The removal of trees, leading to permanent removal of a forest and woodland is known as ______________
  6. __________ is generally carried out to fracture or fragment the large rock mass to enable excavation
  7. The intensity of sound is measured in __________
  8. Noise pollution is exceeding the certain prescribed Limit.
  9.             Act was enacted in the year 1974.
  10.          is defined as abnormal rise in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and ocean.
  11. b) State True or False
    1. The gaseous envelop surrounding the earth is known as its
    2. Primary treatment process includes screening, sedimentation and
    3. Natural habitats of wild animal do not suffer by effect of
    4. The exhaust gases and evaporation of fuel does not lead to automobile
    5. Noise pollution has also severe psychological effects on human


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. What do you mean by Ecological pyramid? Name its type ?
  2. Define environment. Name the various component of environment.
  3. What do you understand by eutrophication? Name its type ?
  4. What do you understand by air pollution?
  5. What are the causes of soil pollution?
  6. What is meant by water logging?
  7. What is meant by land sliding?
  8. Discuss the importance of EIA (Environment Impact Assessment).
  9. What are the provisions in air act?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. How do the animals and plants get affected from air pollution?
  2. Explain in detail the methodology of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA).
  3. Explain in detail the ozone layer
  4. What is biogas? Discuss use of biogas as alternate fuel?
  5. Define automobile pollution. What are the various sources of automobile pollution?

Environmental Engineering 6th SemCivil/5197/ May 2019 Paper

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Section a :-Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2019 Paper

According to IS 800:1984, Maximum Permissible tensile stress in Steel Sections is ______× fy.

According to IS 800:1984, Maximum Permissible tensile stress in Steel Sections is 0.6× fy.

In IS 800: 1984, Symbol fy represents ____________ stress in Steel.

In IS 800: 1984, Symbol fy represents minimum yield stress in Steel.

For 28mm diameter rivet, the diameter of rivet hole will be ________

For 28mm diameter rivet, the diameter of rivet hole will be 28+2=30mm.


Sectional area of “ISLC 150 @ 141.3 N/m” is _______ mm²

Sectional area of “ISLC 150 @ 141.3 N/m” is 1836 mm².

For 75° Fusion Angle the Effective throat thickness of 6mm welds is ____ mm.

For 75° Fusion Angle the Effective throat thickness of 6mm welds is 2 mm.

Maximum pitch in rivets shall not exceed _______.

Maximum pitch in rivets shall not exceed 30t or 300mm.

Increase in carbon content in steel cause  _________.

Increase in carbon content in steel cause  decrease ductility.

ΣV = 0, ΣH = 0 and ΣM = 0 are called ________.

ΣV = 0, ΣH = 0 and ΣM = 0 are called equations of equilibrium.

In plate girder Bearing stiffeners are provided at ________.

In plate girder Bearing stiffeners are provided at the support.

Zero bending stress occurs at _________ of Beam.

Zero bending stress occurs at neutral axis of Beam.

b) State True or False.


Beam is a flexural Member.


For Power Driven Shop Rivets (PDSR) allowable shear stress is 100N/mm².


Minimum Pitch Distance in Rivets shall be two times of rivet.


Brittle Failure is not possible in Welding. 



Strut is a member subjected to an axial Pull. 


Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2019 Paper PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper . Click here

Section B :Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2019 Paper

What do you mean by Ecological pyramid? Name its type ?

Ecological pyramid? Name its type 

Define environment. Name the various component of environment.

Environment. Name the various component of environment.

What do you understand by eutrophication? Name its type ?

Eutrophication? Name its type 

What do you understand by air pollution?

air pollution


What are the causes of soil pollution?

Causes of soil pollution


What is meant by water logging?

water logging

What is meant by land sliding?

land sliding


Discuss the importance of EIA (Environment Impact Assessment).

importance of EIA (Environment Impact Assessment).


What are the provisions in air act?

Provisions in air act

Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2019 Paper Click Here

STEEL STRUCTURES DESIGN 6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2019

Get Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHX6f8TIvX8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_RR6LVICp0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV41CMWonN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LVPE0Q3LE&list=PLA9Q9SDZ781WXNAWit379A4CRLMvjGiUw&index=14&t=0s

Section c STEEL STRUCTURES DESIGN 6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2019

How do the animals and plants get affected from air pollution?

Animals and plants get affected from air pollution


Explain in detail the methodology of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA).

methodology of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA).


Explain in detail the ozone layer

Detail the ozone layer


What is biogas? Discuss use of biogas as alternate fuel?

What is biogas 

use of biogas as alternate fuel


Define automobile pollution. What are the various sources of automobile pollution?

Automobile pollution. What are the various sources of automobile pollution

Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2019 Paper Contact Us

Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2015 Paper

Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2015 Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                              15×1=15

  1. C.O.D. stands for chemical oxygen demand 
  2. Carbon dioxide gas is responsible for the greenhouse effect on Earth.
  3. Ozone layer protects the earth form ultraviolet rays from the Sun.
  4. Methane gas may cause damage to the structure of the buildings.
  5. Industrial waste is the huge source of water
  6. Biotic and Abiotic things both are part of an ecosystem. T/F? (True)
  7. Global warming refers average decrease in the earth`s temperature. T/F? (False)
  8. Non-biodegradable waste can be easily decomposed. T/F? (False)
  9. All the petroleum Products are renewable source of energy. T/F? (False)
  10. The water prevention and control of pollution act was established in T/F? (False)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. Explain the term global Warming ?
  2. Suggest the methods of controlling Noise Pollution.
  3. Explain the term food chain and food web ?
  4. What is air pollution? List the different air pollutants ?
  5. Give the difference between Renewable and Non-Renewable resources ?
  6. How mining effect the quality of environment?
  7. What are the effects of deforestation?
  8. Explain the term Eco-system and its type ?
  9. Define and draw Water Cycle ?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. Write short note on :
    1. Acid rain
    2. Role of biogas energy in environmental
  2. What do you meant by environmental pollution? Discus its main causes and also the magnitude of environmental pollution
  3. How mining effect the quality of environment? And what are the effects of deforestation?
  4. What is the surface and ground water? What are the causes of their pollution?
  5. Explain effects of land use on environmental quality and write short note on environmental considerations in housing and city ?

Environmental Engineering 6th Sem Civil/5197/May 2015 Paper

Get Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHX6f8TIvX8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_RR6LVICp0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV41CMWonN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LVPE0Q3LE&list=PLA9Q9SDZ781WXNAWit379A4CRLMvjGiUw&index=14&t=0s
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