Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Energy Management 6th Sem/Electrical/May 2015 Diploma Paper

Energy Management 6th Sem/Electrical/May 2015 Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                 10×1.5=15

 1) In India more than 60% of electric power is generated by ____________ power plants.
2) Modern solar cells are made of _____________ .
3) ______________ lamp is the least expensive to buy but are the most expensive to operate.
4) The thermal efficiency of diesel power plant is ____________ than the gas turbine plant.
5) Static Capacitors are used to improve the ____________ .
6) BIS stands for _________________
.7) Standard frequency for power supply in india is _______________ .
8) ECMs stands for ______________ .
9) ____________ load includes electric power required for driving water pumps to supply water to fields.
10) Giotheramal energy is energy obtained by tapping the heat of _____________ .


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                   5×6=30

1) Name the steps involved in energy audit.
2) Explain the evaluation of the EIA.
3) What is energy ? Discuss the different characteristics of energy ?
4) Write a note on Geothermal energy .
5) Write a note on energy conservation at design stage.
6) Explain drawbacks of over sizing.
7) Give the role of power factor. How can we correct it?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                               3×10=30

Q3. Explain Energy audit of
      a AC motors b. Industries
Q4. What is energy management? What is the need of energy conservation?
Q5. How the cost analysis is done on the life cycle basis? Explain with the simple examples.
Q6. Write down notes on the following
      i) Description of Oil and Coal Crisis .
     ii) Environment impact of energy saving .
Q7. Differentiate between energy efficient motors and standard motors. Write their advantages over each other.
Q8. Explain macro level approach for energy conservation at design level

Energy Manage ment 6th Sem/ Electrical /May 2015 Diploma Paper

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Section a Energy Management 6th Sem/Electrical/may 2015 Diploma Paper

In India more than 60% of electric power is generated by ____________ power plants.

In India more than 60% of electric power is generated by ____________ power plants.

Modern solar cells are made of _____________ .

Modern solar cells are made of _____________ .

 ______________ lamp is the least expensive to buy but are the most expensive to operate.

 ______________ lamp is the least expensive to buy but are the most expensive to operate.

The thermal efficiency of diesel power plant is ____________ than the gas turbine plant.

The thermal efficiency of diesel power plant is ____________ than the gas turbine plant.

Static Capacitors are used to improve the ____________ .

Static Capacitors are used to improve the ____________ .

BIS stands for _________________


Standard frequency for power supply in india is _______________ .

Standard frequency for power supply in india is _______________ .

ECMs stands for ______________ .

ECMs stands for ______________ .

____________ load includes electric power required for driving water pumps to supply water to fields.

____________ load includes electric power required for driving water pumps to supply water to fields.

Giotheramal energy is energy obtained by tapping the heat of _____________ .

Giotheramal energy is energy obtained by tapping the heat of _____________ .

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Section B :Energy Management 6th Sem/Electrical/may 2015 Diploma Paper

Name the steps involved in energy audit.

Write Name the Steps involved in energy audit.

Explain the evaluation of the EIA.

Evaluation of the EIA.

What is energy ? Discuss the different characteristics of energy ?

Energy and different characteristics of energy.

Write a note on Geothermal energy

Short a note on Geothermal energy .

Write a note on energy conservation at design stage.

Energy conservation at design stage.

 Explain drawbacks of over sizing.

Drawbacks of over sizing.

Give the role of power factor. How can we correct it?

Role of power factor. How can we correct it.

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Energy Manage ment 6th Sem /Electrical/ May 2015 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Energy Management 6th Sem Electrical/May 2015 Diploma Paper

Explain Energy audit of a AC motors b. Industries

Energy audit of
a AC motors

b. Industries

What is energy management? What is the need of energy conservation?

Energy management and need of energy conservation.

How the cost analysis is done on the life cycle basis? Explain with the simple examples.

Explain How the cost analysis is done on the life cycle basis.

Write down notes on the following i) Description of Oil and Coal Crisis . ii) Environment impact of energy saving .

Short notes on the following
i) Description of Oil and Coal Crisis .
ii) Environment impact of energy saving .

Differentiate between energy efficient motors and standard motors. Write their advantages over each other.

Comparison between energy efficient motors and standard motors. 

Explain macro level approach for energy conservation at design level.

Macro level approach for energy conservation at design level.

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