Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Elements of Desgin 5th Sem May 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper
Elements of Desgin 5th Sem May 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper
Q1.Fill in the Blanks:- 1.5×10=15
a. While selecting a material the designer should have knowledge about the __________ of the material.
b. The design in which the designer makes minor changes and modification in existing design is called ___________
c. The fluctuation of speed and energy is controlled by ___________
d. In automobiles _____________ is used to connect the engine to the drive shaft.
e. Rigid coupling is used to connect two shafts which are perfectly ____________
f. The main aim of ________ is to minimize the variety so as to limit the number of models.
g. Clutch operates on principle of ____________
h. The __________ into the shaft reduces the load carrying capacity of the shaft.
i. Flywheel is mounted on the _____________ of an engine.
j. The maximum shear stress theory is used for _________ material.
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30
i. Write a short note on Ergonomics.
ii. Discuss possible failure of riveted joints under different stresses.
iii. Define the term: Standardization and Interchangeability.
iv. Discuss various advantages and disadvantages of key joints over splined joints.
v. What is flywheel? Explain the function of flywheel and state its applications.
vi. What is caulking and fullering process? Explain with help of diagram.
vii. What is design? What is the necessity of design?
viii. What should be the length of the key 30mm wide you would use with a gearing drive 150mm diameter designed to operate at a torsional working stress of 120MN/m2?
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
i. Explain in detail the brake efficiency tester.
ii. Explain in detail the construction and working of cylinder line boring machine.
iii. What is wheel alignment? Describe the working of computerized wheel alignment equipment.
iv. Discuss in detail the following:
a) Radiator tester b) Hydraulic trolley type jack
Elements of Desgin 5th Sem May 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection a Elements of Desgin 5th Sem May 2017 Automobile Paper
While selecting a material the designer should have knowledge about the __________ of the material.While selecting a material the designer should have knowledge about the __________ of the material.
The design in which the designer makes minor changes and modification in existing design is called ___________
The fluctuation of speed and energy is controlled by ___________
In automobiles _____________ is used to connect the engine to the drive shaft.
Rigid coupling is used to connect two shafts which are perfectly ____________
The main aim of ________ is to minimize the variety so as to limit the number of models.
Clutch operates on principle of ____________
The __________ into the shaft reduces the load carrying capacity of the shaft.
Flywheel is mounted on the _____________ of an engine.
The maximum shear stress theory is used for _________ material.
Elements of Desgin 5th Sem May 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper Click Here
Section B :Elements of Desgin 5th Sem May 2017 Automobile Paper
Write a short note on Ergonomics.Short note on Ergonomics.
Possible failure of riveted joints under different stresses.
Standardization and Interchangeability.
Advantages and disadvantages of key joints over splined joints.
Flywheel and function of flywheel and state its applications.
Caulking and fullering process
Design and necessity of design.
Find length of the key 30mm wide you would use with a gearing drive 150mm diameter designed to operate at a torsional working stress of 120MN/m2 .
Elements of Desgin 5th Sem May 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper Click Here
Elements of Desgin 5th Sem May 2017 Automobile Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-Elements of Desgin 5th Sem May 2017 Diploma Paper
List and explain the consideration which influences the design.Explain the consideration which influences the design.
Key and its various types with neat sketch .
Knuckle joint to to connect two mild steel bars under a tensile load of 25KN. The design stress may be taken as 65 MPa in tension, 50 MPa in shear and 83 MPa in compression.
Flange coupling for a mild steel shaft transmitting 90 kW at 250 rpm. Allowable shear stress for mild steel = 40 MPa, for cast iron = 14 MPa and for bolt material = 30 MPa. The materials for shaft and key are same.
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