Electronics-1 Dec 2016 3rd Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper

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Electronics-1 Dec 2016 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks.                                                      10×1.5=15

a. The process of adding impurities is called _________
b. The unit of inductance is ______________
c. The turn on voltage of Germanium diode is _______ volt.
d. LED stands for ______________ .
e. Usually, a zener diode is used as a _______________ .
f. A current source with _________ internal resistance is called ideal voltage source.
g. The opposition to the flow of current in a.c. source is called _____________- .
h. Resistivity of semi conductors lies between ___________ and ____________ .
i. An ideal diode has _________ forward resistance.
j. The max. efficiency of full wave rectifier is ______________
k. The capacitor circuit does not allow to pass ______ component.
l. The valence electrons are present in _________ orbit of an atom.
m. __________ diode has a negative resistance.
n. The ____________ biasing is most widely used.
o. __________ region of the transistor is the best place for operating point.


Q2. Attempt any SIX questions.                                                                    6×5=30

a) Classify different types of materials on the basis of Energy band diagram.
b) Describe the working of PNP transistor.
c) Describe the working of a FULL wave rectifier.
d) How does temperature effect the conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor?
e) Write a short note on PN- junction. Draw its V-I characteristics.
f) Explain zener diode as voltage regulator.
g) Discuss the advantages of FET over conventional transistor.
h) What is faithful amplification? Explain in brief.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

a. With the help of diagram and waveform, explain the working of centre tap full wave rectifier.
b. Explain the common base (CB) transistor configuration with the help of circuit diagram. Draw and explain its input and output characteristics.
c. Draw the circuit diagram of single stage CE amplifier. State the function of each component used in the circuit.
d. Explain the construction, operation and characteristics of MOSFET in depletion mode.
e. Explain the construction and operation of FET. Also write the applications of FET.

Electronics-1 Dec 2016 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Solved PSBTE Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks.                                                      10×1.5=15

a. The process of adding impurities is called Doping .
b. The unit of inductance is Henry . 
c. The turn on voltage of Germanium diode is 0.3 volt.
d. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode .
e. Usually, a zener diode is used as a Voltage Regulator .
f. A current source with Infinite internal resistance is called ideal voltage source.
g. The opposition to the flow of current in a.c. source is called Impedance.
h. Resistivity of semi conductors lies between Conductor and Insulator .
i. An ideal diode has Zero forward resistance.
j. The max. efficiency of full wave rectifier is 81.2 %. 
k. The capacitor circuit does not allow to pass dc component.
l. The valence electrons are present in Outermost orbit of an atom.
m. IMPATT diode has a negative resistance.
n. The Potential Divider biasing is most widely used.
o. Active region of the transistor is the best place for operating point.

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Section a Electronics-1 dec 2016 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper

The process of adding impurities is called _________

The process of adding impurities is called Doping .

The unit of inductance is ______________

The unit of inductance is Henry .

The turn on voltage of Germanium diode is _______ volt.

The turn on voltage of Germanium diode is 0.3 volt.

LED stands for ______________ .

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode .

Usually, a zener diode is used as a _______________ .

Usually, a zener diode is used as a Voltage Regulator .

A current source with _________ internal resistance is called ideal voltage source.

A current source with High internal resistance is called ideal voltage source.

For the transistor to work as an amplifier, its operation point should be in ________  Region.

The opposition to the flow of current in a.c. source is called Impedance .

The ___________ Coupling is used for audio signal amplification in multi stage amplifiers.

Resistivity of semi conductors lies between Semiconductor and Insulator .

 A  ____________ is the set of allowable values for one or more attributes.

An ideal diode has Zero forward resistance.

The max. efficiency of full wave rectifier is ______________

The max. efficiency of full wave rectifier is 81.2 % .

The capacitor circuit does not allow to pass ______ component.

The capacitor circuit does not allow to pass DC component.

The valence electrons are present in _________ orbit of an atom.

The valence electrons are present in Outermost orbit of an atom.

 __________ diode has a negative resistance.

IMPATT diode has a negative resistance.

The ____________ biasing is most widely used

The Potential Divider biasing is most widely used.

 __________ region of the transistor is the best place for operating point.

Active region of the transistor is the best place for operating point.

Electronics-1 May 2019 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Electronics-1 dec 2016 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper

Classify different types of materials on the basis of Energy band diagram.

Types of materials on the basis of Energy band diagram.

Describe the working of PNP transistor.

Working of PNP transistor.

Describe the working of a FULL wave rectifier.

Working of a FULL wave rectifier.

How does temperature effect the conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor?

Effect the conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor

Write a short note on PN- junction. Draw its V-I characteristics.

PN- junction and its V-I characteristics.

Explain zener diode as voltage regulator.

Zener diode as voltage regulator.

Discuss the advantages of FET over conventional transistor.

Advantages of FET over conventional transistor.

What is faithful amplification? Explain in brief.

Faithful amplification

Electronics-1 Dec 2016 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Electronics-1 DEC 2016 3RD Sem Electrical Engineer
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Section c :-Electronics-1 dec 2016 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper

Sketch output characteristics curve for NPN transistor in CB configuration and also indicate active, cut-off, saturation regions.

Output characteristics curve for NPN transistor in CB configuration

Draw circuit diagram of HALF wave bridge rectifier and explain its working with the help of a input and output waveforms.

Circuit diagram of HALF wave bridge rectifier its working 

Write a note on various types of Filters in detail.

Various types of Filters.

Explain R-C coupled amplifier with the help of circuit diagram.

R-C coupled amplifier with the help of circuit diagram..

Explain the construction, working of JFET with suitable diagram.

Construction, working of JFET.

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