4th/2520/0952/ELECT/EEE/May 2016

Electrical Machines-I 4th Sem EEE May 2016 PSBTE Paper                                                              SECTION-A

Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                                                                   15×1=15

  1. The magnitude of induced emf is directly proportional to rate of change of Flux. 
  2. Under____ condition magnets do not move away from each Other.
  3. Direction of torque depends upon Axis Of Rotation of torque angle.
  4. DC series motor is used for vacuum cleaner, traction systems, sewing machines, cranes
  5. Interpoles are used for  Reduces the effect of Armature Reaction in DC Machine.
  6. DC motor starter is used for Heavily starting current.
  7. Transformer is a Static machine
  8. Transformer core is made of silicon steel to reduce Eddy Current Losses.
  9. Condition for maximum efficiency is copper losses is equal to Iron Losses.
  10. Transformer steps up or steps down voltage .


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                 5×6=30

  1. What are advantages of three phase transformer over single phase transformer?
  2. Explain working of auto Transformer ?
  3. What is transformer? Explain its construction and working.
  4. Explain various losses in d.c Generator ?
  5. Name the main parts of c machine and explain their functions.
  6. Compare features of generator and Motor ?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                          3×10=30

  1. Explain constructions of three phase Transfomer ?
  2. What are instrument transformers? Explain PT working Principle ?
  3. Explain various methods of speed control of c shunt motor. Explain any one.
  4. Explain concept of torque production in an electrical machine.

4th/2520/0952/ELECT/EEE/May 2016

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4th/2520/0952/ELECT/EEE/May 2016

The magnitude of induced ______ is directly proportional to rate of change of ______.

The magnitude of induced emf is directly proportional to rate of change of Flux. 


Under____ condition magnets do not move away from each Other

Under ___ condition magnets do not move away from each Other.


Direction of torque depends upon ____________ of torque angle.

Direction of torque depends upon Axis Of Rotation of torque angle.


DC series motor is used for _________________.

DC series motor is used for vacuum cleaner, traction systems, sewing machines, cranes


Interpoles are used for  ___________________.DC Machine.

Interpoles are used for  Reduces the effect of Armature Reaction in DC Machine.


DC motor starter is used for ________ starting current.

DC motor starter is used for Heavily starting current.


Transformer is a _______ machine.

Transformer is a Static machine


Transformer core is made of silicon steel to reduce _________

Transformer core is made of silicon steel to reduce Eddy Current Losses.


Condition for maximum efficiency is copper losses is equal to _________

Condition for maximum efficiency is copper losses is equal to Iron Losses.


Transformer steps up or steps down _____

Transformer steps up or steps down voltage

JK Engineering Classes  Electrical Machines-1 4th Semester Solved Paper May 2016 Solution Click Here

4th/2520/0952/ELECT/EEE/May 2016

What are advantages of three phase transformer over single phase transformer?

Advantages of three phase transformer over single phase transformer

Explain working of auto Transformer ?

Working of auto Transformer 


What is transformer? Explain its construction and working.

What is transformer and its construction and working


Explain various losses in d.c Generator ?

Various losses in d.c Generator 


Name the main parts of c machine and explain their functions ?

Name the main parts of c machine 


Compare features of generator and Motor ?

Comparison the features of generator and Motor 

ELECTRICAL MACHINES-I Semester4th/2520/0952/ELECT/EEE/May 2016 Paper Click Here

4th/2520/0952/ELECT/EEE/May 2016

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4th/2520/0952/ELECT/EEE/May 2016

Explain constructions of three phase Transfomer ?

Constructions of three phase Transfomer

What are instrument transformers? Explain PT working Principle ?

instrument transformers

Explain PT working Principle 


Explain various methods of speed control of DC shunt motor. Explain any one.

Methods of speed control of dc shunt motor

Explain concept of torque production in an electrical machine.

Concept of torque production in an electrical machine

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