Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Paper

Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Paper


    i. The vertical distance between epicentre and hypocentre is called ______
   ii. The most destructive waves responsible for devastation on the surface of                earth during earthquake are __________ .
   iii. Magnitude of earthquake is the measure of __________.
   iv. The structural walls situated parallel to the earthquake motion are known as ____________ .
    v. The seismic response of traditionally built structures is ______________-.
   vi. Ductile structures shows ______________ damages.
  vii. Vertical stirrups in beam should have _______________ degree hook.
  viii. Door and window opening on wall reduce _____________ of wall.
    ix. Disasters are of _____________ types.
    x. During the earthquake, disaster management phase is known as ________________ .
     b) State True or False.
   xi. Shallow earthquakes have focal depth less than 70 km.
   xii. Tsunamis occur on sudden movement of ocean floor.
   xiii. By retrofitting, the building can be made safe against complete collapse.
   xiv. Non structural components are liable to get less damage.
   xv. Delhi comes under zone number II


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

     a. Define “Focus”, ”Epicenter” and “Isoseismal” of an earthquake.
     b. What is seismic zoning mapping? What is its importance?
     c. Write down the points to be kept in mind while designing earthquake resistant structures?
     d. What do you understand by P-Waves? Write down its characteristics.
     e. Define ‘Floating column’ and ‘Ponding effect’.
     f. Discuss the vertical irregularity in RCC structures.
     g. Briefly explain ‘Rehabilitation’ process.
     h. Define ‘Static load’,’ Dynamic load’ and ‘Fundamental period’ of a building.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

      i. Define “Earthquake”. Explain in detail the classification of earthquakes.
     ii. What is Seismograph? Discuss its parts and working in detail along with sketch.
    iii. Explain the features of construction as per IS: 4326:1993-Code of practice.
    iv. Define Retrofitting. Write down it detail the different methods of retrofitting adopted for masonry structures.
    v. What is Disaster Management? Explain the different steps of Rescue plan.

Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Paper

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Section a Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Paper

The vertical distance between epicentre and hypocentre is called ___________ . The most destructive waves responsible for devastation on the surface of earth during earthquake are __________ . Magnitude of earthquake is the measure of __________. The structural walls situated parallel to the earthquake motion are known as ____________ . The seismic response of traditionally built structures is ______________ Ductile structures shows ______________ damages. Vertical stirrups in beam should have _______________ degree hook. Door and window opening on wall reduce _____________ of wall. Disasters are of _____________ types. During the earthquake, disaster management phase is known as _____________. Shallow earthquakes have focal depth less than 70 km.T/F Tsunamis occur on sudden movement of ocean floor.T/F By retrofitting, the building can be made safe against complete collapse.T/F Non structural components are liable to get less damage.T/F Delhi comes under zone number II.T/F
Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Paper

Define “Focus”, ”Epicenter” and “Isoseismal” of an earthquake.

“Focus”, ”Epicenter” and “Isoseismal” of an earthquake.

What is seismic zoning mapping? What is its importance?

Seismic zoning mapping  and its importance

Write down the points to be kept in mind while designing earthquake resistant structures?

Points to be kept in mind while designing earthquake resistant structures

What do you understand by P-Waves? Write down its characteristics.

P-Waves and its characteristics.

Define ‘Floating column’ and ‘Ponding effect’.

‘Floating column’ and ‘Ponding effect’.

Discuss the vertical irregularity in RCC structures.

Vertical irregularity in RCC structures.

Briefly explain ‘Rehabilitation’ process.

Rehabilitation process.

Define ‘Static load’,’ Dynamic load’ and ‘Fundamental period’ of a building.

‘Static load’,’ Dynamic load’ and ‘Fundamental period’ of a building.

Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Paper Click Here

Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Solved Question Paper


    i. The vertical distance between epicentre and hypocentre is called ______
   ii. The most destructive waves responsible for devastation on the surface of                earth during earthquake are __________ .
   iii. Magnitude of earthquake is the measure of __________.
   iv. The structural walls situated parallel to the earthquake motion are known as ____________ .
    v. The seismic response of traditionally built structures is ______________-.
   vi. Ductile structures shows ______________ damages.
  vii. Vertical stirrups in beam should have _______________ degree hook.
  viii. Door and window opening on wall reduce _____________ of wall.
    ix. Disasters are of _____________ types.
    x. During the earthquake, disaster management phase is known as ________________ .
     b) State True or False.
   xi. Shallow earthquakes have focal depth less than 70 km.
   xii. Tsunamis occur on sudden movement of ocean floor.
   xiii. By retrofitting, the building can be made safe against complete collapse.
   xiv. Non structural components are liable to get less damage.
   xv. Delhi comes under zone number II

Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2019 Diploma Paper

Define “Earthquake”. Explain in detail the classification of earthquakes.

Earthquake and classification of earthquakes.

What is Seismograph? Discuss its parts and working in detail along with sketch.

Seismograph and Discuss its parts and working 

Explain the features of construction as per IS: 4326:1993-Code of practice.

Features of construction as per IS: 4326:1993-Code of practice.

Define Retrofitting. Write down it detail the different methods of retrofitting adopted for masonry structures.

Retrofitting and Different methods of retrofitting adopted for masonry structures.

 What is Disaster Management? Explain the different steps of Rescue plan.

Disaster Management and  different steps of Rescue plan.

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