Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper
Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma PSBTE Question Paper
Note: Attempt all questions.                     5×1.5=7.5
Q1. a) Fill in the blanks:
  i. ASP stands for ____________________
  ii. Programs can richly interact with each other at run time through their ________
  iii. The. Net framework is a software framework that runs usually on _______ windows.
 iv. DLL stands for ______________
  v. ________ represents a group of multiple radio buttons.
b) State True or False:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 5×1.5=7.5
   i. The .NET framework class library is a collection of reusable types.
   ii. ADO stands for Active X Data Object.
  iii. When a compiler produces MSIL, it also produces native code.
  iv. The main method is the entry point of your programme.
  v. Connection String is a property of connection objects.
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30 Â
   i. What are the features of .NET framework?
  ii. What is garbage collection?
  iii. What do you mean by window forms?
  iv. Explain types of JIT compiler.
   v. Explain ASP.Net in detail with its features.
  vi. Write about execution process of .NET framework.
  vii. Write note on metadata.
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
   i. Discuss the building block services of .Net framework.
   ii. Explain MSIL in detail.
  iii. What do you mean by web services? What are the protocols of web services? Also explain its class reference.
  iv. What is an ADO.Net data provider? Explain various types of data providers available.
  v. Explain in detail:
    a) CLR
    b) CTS
Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 PSBTE Diploma Solved Question Paper
Note: Attempt all questions.                     5×1.5=7.5
Q1. a) Fill in the blanks:
  i. ASP stands for ____________________
  ii. Programs can richly interact with each other at run time through their ________
  iii. The. Net framework is a software framework that runs usually on _______ windows.
 iv. DLL stands for ______________
  v. ________ represents a group of multiple radio buttons.
b) State True or False:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 5×1.5=7.5
   i. The .NET framework class library is a collection of reusable types.
   ii. ADO stands for Active X Data Object.
  iii. When a compiler produces MSIL, it also produces native code.
  iv. The main method is the entry point of your programme.
  v. Connection String is a property of connection objects.
Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection a Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper
ASP stands for ____________________ Programs can richly interact with each other at run time through their ________ The. Net framework is a software framework that runs usually on _______ windows. Â DLL stands for ______________ Â ________ represents a group of multiple radio buttons. The .NET framework class library is a collection of reusable types.T/F ADO stands for Active X Data Object.T/F When a compiler produces MSIL, it also produces native code.T/F The main method is the entry point of your programme.T/F Â Connection String is a property of connection objects.T/FDot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper Click Here
Section B :Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper
What are the features of .NET framework?Features of .NET framework
What is garbage collection?
Garbage collection
What do you mean by window forms?
Window forms
Explain types of JIT compiler.
Types of JIT compiler.
Explain ASP.Net in detail with its features.
ASP.Net in detail with its features.
Write about execution process of .NET framework.
Execution process of .NET framework.
Write note on metadata.
Short note on metadata.
Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper Click Here
Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-Wireless Commu nication Diploma Solved Question May 2016 Paper
Discuss the building block services of .NetBuilding block services of .Net
Explain MSIL in DetialsMSIL in Detials
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Web services and protocols of web services
What is an ADO.Net data provider? Explain various types of data providers