Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem May 2016 Diploma Paper 6th Sem Dec 2016 Diploma Paper

Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem Dec 2016 Diploma PSBTE Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

      a. VISUAL STUDIO .NET includes mainly _________ languages.
      b. OLE Stands for ____________________
      c. CLR convert the byte code into _____________
      d. MSIL Stands for ___________________
      e. A _____________ is a collection of classes.
      f. The default toolbar appears immediately below the _________ bar.
      g. Link label is displayed as ___________________
     h. SQL Stands for ________________
      i. The _____________ allows you to assign any string values to a variable.
       j ____________ View control is used to display a hierarchy of nodes.
      k. Toolbox window is the window that gives you access to all __________.
       l. The __________ represents a subset of the entire database.
     m. Namespaces are contained in files called ___________________
      n. Scalability is a part of _______________
      o. Asp stands for ________________


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30   
    1. What do you mean by SQL server?
    2. What is JIT? How many types of JIT?
    3. What are the advantages of .net framework?
    4. Differentiate Pre and Econo JIT Compiler?
    5. Write a note on MSIL?
    6. What is variable? How we can declare it?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

      Q3. Explain the design features of .net framework.
      Q4. Describe the .net framework architecture with diagram.
      Q5. Explain the difference between switch and nested switch statement.
      Q6. Explain the various steps to connect the database

Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem DEC 2016 Diploma Paper

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Section a Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem DEC 2016 Diploma Paper

VISUAL STUDIO .NET includes mainly _________ languages.
OLE Stands for ____________________
CLR convert the byte code into _____________
 MSIL Stands for ___________________
A _____________ is a collection of classes.
 The default toolbar appears immediately below the _________ bar.
Link label is displayed as ___________________
SQL Stands for ________________
 The _____________ allows you to assign any string values to a variable.
____________ View control is used to display a hierarchy of nodes.
 Toolbox window is the window that gives you access to all __________.
The __________ represents a subset of the entire database.
Namespaces are contained in files called ___________________
 Scalability is a part of _______________
Asp stands for ________________

Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem Dec 2016 Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem DEC 2016 Diploma Paper

What do you mean by SQL server?

SQL server

What is JIT? How many types of JIT?

JIT and types of JIT

What are the advantages of .net framework?

Advantages of .net framework

Differentiate Pre and Econo JIT Compiler?

Differentiate Pre and Econo JIT Compiler

Write a note on MSIL?


What is variable? How we can declare it?

Variable and How we can declare it

Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem Dec 2016 Diploma Paper Click Here

Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem DEC 2016 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Dot Net Technologies Using ASP. Net 6th Sem DEC 2016 Diploma Paper

Explain the design features of .net framework.

Design features of .net framework.

Describe the .net framework architecture with diagram.

.net framework architecture with diagram.

Explain the difference between switch and nested switch statement.

Difference between switch and nested switch statement.

Explain the various steps to connect the database

Various steps to connect the database

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