Digital Electronics DE 3rd Sem/IT/CSE/0620/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Digital Electronics DE 3rd Sem/IT/CSE/0620/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×6=3

i. Define Propagation delay, Bit rate and Power dissipation.
ii. What is De-multiplexer? Draw the logic diagram of 4:1 De-multiplexer.
iii. Draw and explain half Subtractor circuit.
iv. Explain the De-Morgan’s theorems with the help of suitable example.
v. Draw the symbol, Boolean expression and truth table for NAND gate.
vi. What is encoder? Draw the logic circuit of decimal to BCD encoder.
vii. Convert the following
a) (.625)10 = (?)2 b) (100.111)2 = (?)10 c) (FF4D) 16 = (?)2


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Draw a K-map to reduce the function. Realize the reduced function by using NAND gates only.
Y = Σm (0,1,4,5,3,2,11,10).
b. Discus the OR, NOR, EX-NOR gate with their symbols, Boolean expression and truth table.
c. What is decoder? Explain the functioning of a 2 to 4 line decoder with the help of a circuit diagram and
truth table.
d. Explain A to D conversion with the help of a dual type of ADC.

Digital Electronics DE 3rd Sem/IT/CSE/0620/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section A:-Digital Electronics DE 3rd Sem/IT/CSE/0620/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Define Propagation delay, Bit rate and Power dissipation.

Propagation delay, Bit rate and Power dissipation.

What is De-multiplexer? Draw the logic diagram of 4:1 De-multiplexer.


Draw the logic diagram of 4:1 De-multiplexer.

Draw and explain half Subtractor circuit.

Half Subtractor circuit.

Explain the De-Morgan’s theorems with the help of suitable example.

De-Morgan’s theorems with the help of suitable example.

Draw the symbol, Boolean expression and truth table for NAND gate.

Symbol, Boolean expression and truth table for NAND gate.

What is encoder? Draw the logic circuit of decimal to BCD encoder.


Draw the logic circuit of decimal to BCD encoder.

 Convert the following a) (.625)10 = (?)2 b) (100.111)2 = (?)10 c) (FF4D) 16 = (?)2

a) (.625)10 = (?)2 b) (100.111)2 = (?)10 c) (FF4D) 16 = (?)2

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Digital Electronics DE 3rd Sem/IT/CSE/0620/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section b :-Digital Electronics DE 3rd Sem/IT/CSE/0620/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Draw a K-map to reduce the function. Realize the reduced function by using NAND gates only. Y = Σm (0,1,4,5,3,2,11,10).

K-map to reduce the function. Realize the reduced function by using NAND gates only.
Y = Σm (0,1,4,5,3,2,11,10).

Discus the OR, NOR, EX-NOR gate with their symbols, Boolean expression and truth table.

OR, NOR, EX-NOR gate with their symbols, Boolean expression and truth table.

What is decoder? Explain the functioning of a 2 to 4 line decoder with the help of a circuit diagram and truth table.


functioning of a 2 to 4 line decoder with the help of a circuit diagram and
truth table.

Explain A to D conversion with the help of a dual type of ADC.

A to D conversion with the help of a dual type of ADC.

Digital Electronics DE 3rd Sem/IT/CSE/0620/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
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