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 Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma Dec 2011 Question Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                          15×1=15

    (i) VOIP
    (ii) OSI
   (iii) URL
   (iv) MAC
   (v) There are-types of network topologies.
   (vi) A bridge reads the outermost section of data on data packet to tell where                 message is going (T/F).
   (vii) There are classes of networks.
   (viii) Physical interface to medium is usually network adapter (T/F)
    (ix) The amount of resistance to the transmission device is called
     (x) Apple talk network topology is bus (T/F)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                              5×6=30

     (i) Explain network topologies with diagram
    (ii) Explain difference between circuit and packet switching.
   (iii) Explain NNTP, SMTP, Congestion control.
   (iv) Explain data link network and transport layer of OSI reference model
    (v) Explain the difference between IPV4 and IPV6
   (vi) Explain the difference between OSI v/s TCP/IP


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

      (i) Explain the following
           (a) Repeaters
           (b) NIC’s
           (c) Full duplex
           (d) Hubs
           (e) Multiplexers
      (ii) (a) Explain hauftman codes and cryptography (b)Explain wireless MAN, wireless LAN, WiMAX
      (iii) Write short notes on
            (a) Bluetooth technology
            (b) Raid management
            (c) Mirroring
            (d) VOIP and Net to phone telephony
            (e) Firewall

 Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma Dec 2011 Solved Question Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                          15×1=15

    (i) VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol 
    (ii) OSI-Open System Interconnection
   (iii) URL- Uniform Resource Locator
   (iv) MAC – Media Access Control
   (v) There are-types of network topologies.
   (vi) A bridge reads the outermost section of data on data packet to tell where                 message is going (T/F).
   (vii) There are classes of networks.
   (viii) Physical interface to medium is usually network adapter (T/F)
    (ix) The amount of resistance to the transmission device is called
    (x) Apple talk network topology is bus (T/F)

   Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma DEC 2011 Paper

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Section a Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma DEC 2011 Paper

 VOIP Stands for _________________


OSI stands for __________


URL Stands for ________________


MAC Stands for __________________


There are-types of network topologies.


A bridge reads the outermost section of data on data packet to tell where message is going (T/F).


There are classes of networks.


Physical interface to medium is usually network adapter (T/F)


The amount of resistance to the transmission device is called _________

The amount of resistance to the transmission device is called _________

Apple talk network topology is bus (T/F)

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Section B :Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma dec 2011 Paper

Explain network topologies with diagram

Network topologies with diagram

Explain difference between circuit and packet switching.

Difference between circuit and packet switching.

Explain NNTP, SMTP, Congestion control.

NNTP, SMTP, Congestion control.

Explain data link network and transport layer of OSI reference model

Data link network and transport layer of OSI reference model

Explain the difference between IPV4 and IPV6

Difference between IPV4 and IPV6

Explain the difference between OSI v/s TCP/IP

Difference between OSI v/s TCP/IP

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Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma May 2018 Paper

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Section c :-Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma dec 2011 Paper

Explain the  (a) Repeaters
(b) NIC’s


(c) Full duplex

Full duplex

(d) Hubs


(e) Multiplexers



(ii) (a) Explain hauftman codes and cryptography

Explain hauftman codes and cryptography 

(b)Explain wireless MAN, wireless LAN, WiMAX

Explain wireless MAN, wireless LAN, WiMAX

Write short notes on (a) Bluetooth

 Bluetooth technology

(b) Raid management

Raid management

(c) Mirroring


(d) VOIP and Net to phone telephony

VOIP and Net to phone telephony

(e) Firewall


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