Communication System–II CS-2 ECE-5th/May 2016 Diploma Paper

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Communication System-2 5th Semester ECE May 2016 Diploma Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15

       a. The communication channel is the Wire or Wireless medium that is used to send the signal.
       b. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
       c. What is parity?
       d. The major disadvantage of FSK is its Need High Bandwidth.
       e. The main practical problem of FDM system is the Cross-talk between channels.
       f. PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange.
      g. Data communication is exchange of Data between two devices.
      h. The telephone, works on the principle of variable Resistance.
      i. The main objective of cell in cellular mobile system is …………….
      j. CRC is also known as Polynomial Code Checksum.
      k. What is the use of FAX machine?
      l. What is hamming distance?
     m. Coherent detection is also called Synchronous detection.
     n. A Distortion is the undesirable alteration of original shape of an object or waveform.
     o. MODEM is a combination of Modulator and Demodulator.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

          (i) Write main advantages and disadvantages of digital communication system.
         (ii) What are the applications of FAR system?
        (iii) What is ASK? Explain its generation.
        (iv) What is USART? What are the features of 8251 USART?
         (v) Explain various error correction techniques.
         (vi) Explain concept of cell in mobile communication.
         (vii) What is radio telemetry? Give its advantages and disadvantages.  


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

      3.i) What is QPSK? Compare BPSK with QPSK.
         ii) Draw block diagram of a digital exchange and explain its working.
        iii) With the help of block diagram explain the working of mobile communication system.
        iv) Write short note on any two:
         (a) Echo Suppressor
         (b) Error detection codes in data communication
         (c) Modem data transmission speed

CS-2 5th Semester ECE May 2016 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section a CS-2 5Th Semester ECE May 2016 Diploma Solved Paper

The communication channel is the _______ medium that is used to send the signal.

The communication channel is the Wire or Wireless medium that is used to send the signal.      

ASCII Stands for __________

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.      

What is parity?

What is parity?       

The major disadvantage of FSK is its ____________

The major disadvantage of FSK is its Need High Bandwidth.       

The main practical problem of FDM system is the _________ between channels.

The main practical problem of FDM system is the Cross-talk between channels.       

PBX stands for ____________________

PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange.     

Data communication is exchange of ________ between two devices.

Data communication is exchange of Data between two devices.     

The telephone, works on the principle of variable _______________

The telephone, works on the principle of variable Resistance.     

The main objective of cell in cellular mobile system is _______________

The main objective of cell in cellular mobile system is …………….    

CRC is also known as _______________

CRC is also known as Polynomial Code Checksum.      

What is the use of FAX machine?

Use of FAX machine      

What is hamming distance?

Hamming distance     

Coherent detection is also called _______________ detection.

Coherent detection is also called Synchronous detection.     

A _____________ is the undesirable alteration of original shape of an object or waveform.

A Distortion is the undesirable alteration of original shape of an object or waveform.     

MODEM is a combination of _________ and _______________

MODEM is a combination of Modulator and Demodulator.

Communication System-2 CS-2 5th Sem ECE May 2016 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Section B :CS-2 5th Sem ECE May 2016 Diploma Solved Paper

Write main advantages and disadvantages of digital communication system.

Main advantages and disadvantages of digital communication system.        

 What are the applications of FAR system?

Applications of FAR system?        

What is ASK? Explain its generation.

ASK its generation.        

What is USART? What are the features of 8251 USART?

 USART and  features of 8251 USART?         

Explain various error correction techniques.

Error correction techniques.         

Explain concept of cell in mobile communication.

Concept of cell in mobile communication.         

What is radio telemetry? Give its advantages and disadvantages.  

Radio telemetry and its advantages and disadvantages.  

CS-2 5th Semester ECE May 2016 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

CS-2 5th Sem ECE May 2016 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section c :-cs-2 5th Sem CSE May 2016 Diploma Solved Paper

What is QPSK? Compare BPSK with QPSK.

What is QPSK

Compare BPSK with QPSK.        

Draw block diagram of a digital exchange and explain its working.

Block diagram of a digital exchange and explain its working.        

With the help of block diagram explain the working of mobile communication system.

Explain the working of mobile communication system.       

Write short note on Echo Suppressor

Write short note on Echo Suppressor        

Short Note on Error detection codes in data communication

Error detection codes in data communication        

Explain Modem data transmission speed

Modem data transmission speed

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