Building Construction Civil 3rd Sem Diploma May 2019 Paper

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Building Construction Civil 3rd Sem Diploma May 2019 Question Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                 10×1.5=15

i. Walls provide ________ and __________ in building.
ii. Sand drains prove to be very effective in __________ soils.
iii. The most commonly used scaffolding for brick masonry work is known as ___________ .
iv. Size of brick is ______________ .
v. External corners of walls are called as ___________ .
vi. The inner curved surface of arches is known as ________________ .
vii. The lintels which are constructed at site are known as _____________ .
viii. As a thumb rule, width of door is ________ times the height.
ix. Ratio of cement –sand plaster for exterior walls is normally taken as ______________ .
x. Mastic asphalt is a _________ type of damp proofing material.
b) State True or False.
xi. National building code helps in classifying building.
xii. Partition walls are generally thin in section.
xiii. Frog in brick work is always placed facing downwards.
xiv. Arches can be flat also.
xv. Holdfasts are used to fix door frames with masonry.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                   5×6=30

a. What is scaffolding? Explain with sketches.
i) Bricklayer’s scaffolding ii) mason‘s scaffolding
b. What is Mortar? Explain functions of ingredients of mortar.
c. Explain diff. b/w Rubble masonry and Ashlar masonry.
d. What is pointing? What is its different type’s .Explain with neat sketches?
e. What is Roof? What are various types of Roof?
f. What are the requirements of good Building?
g. What are the causes of Dampness of Building?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                               3×10=30

i. What is wall? Explain in detail classification of walls.
ii. Name the various types of bonds in brickwork. Explain any two bonds with neat sketches.
iii. Define Door. Explain in detail various types of doors.
iv. What precautions are required for preventing dampness? Explain methods and technique for preventing dampness.
v. What are various types of floor finishes? Explain any one.

Building Construct
ion Civil 3rd Sem Diploma May 2019 Question Paper

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Section a Building Construction Civil 3rd Sem Diploma May 2019 Question Paper

Walls provide ________ and __________ in building.

Walls provide ________ and __________ in building.

Sand drains prove to be very effective in __________ soils.

Sand drains prove to be very effective in __________ soils.

The most commonly used scaffolding for brick masonry work is known as ___________ .

The most commonly used scaffolding for brick masonry work is known as ___________ .

Size of brick is ______________ .

Size of brick is ______________ .

External corners of walls are called as ___________ .

External corners of walls are called as ___________ .

The inner curved surface of arches is known as ________________ .

The inner curved surface of arches is known as ________________ .

The lintels which are constructed at site are known as _____________ .

The lintels which are constructed at site are known as _____________ .

As a thumb rule, width of door is ________ times the height.

As a thumb rule, width of door is ________ times the height.

Ratio of cement –sand plaster for exterior walls is normally taken as ______________ .

Ratio of cement –sand plaster for exterior walls is normally taken as ______________ .

Mastic asphalt is a _________ type of damp proofing material.

Mastic asphalt is a _________ type of damp proofing material.

National building code helps in classifying building.T/F
Partition walls are generally thin in section.T/F
Frog in brick work is always placed facing downwards.T/F
Arches can be flat also.T/F
Holdfasts are used to fix door frames with masonry.T/F

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Section B :Building Construction Civil 3rd Sem Diploma May 2019 Question Paper

What is scaffolding? Explain with sketches.

Explain Scaffolding 

i) Bricklayer’s scaffolding

Bricklayer’s scaffolding 

ii) mason‘s scaffolding

Mason‘s scaffolding

What is Mortar? Explain functions of ingredients of mortar.

Mortar and functions of ingredients of mortar.

Explain diff. b/w Rubble masonry and Ashlar masonry.

Difference  between Rubble masonry and Ashlar masonry.

What is pointing? What is its different type’s .Explain with neat sketches?

Pointing and different type’s of Pointing

What is Roof? What are various types of Roof?

Roof and various types of Roof.

What are the requirements of good Building?

Requirements of good Building.

What are the causes of Dampness of Building?

Causes of Dampness of Building.

Building Construction Civil 3rd Sem Diploma May 2019 Question Paper Click Here

Building Construct
ion Civil 3rd Sem Diploma May 2019 Question Paper

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Section c :-Building Construction Civil 3rd Sem Diploma May 2019 Question Paper

What is wall? Explain in detail classification of walls.

Wall and classification of walls.

Name the various types of bonds in brickwork. Explain any two bonds with neat sketches.

Name the various types of bonds in brickwork. 

Define Door. Explain in detail various types of doors.

Door and various types of doors.

What precautions are required for preventing dampness? Explain methods and technique for preventing dampness.

Precautions are required for preventing dampness.

Explain methods and technique for preventing dampness.

What are various types of floor finishes? Explain any one.

Various types of floor finishes.

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