Basic Electronics PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2017                                                SECTION-A

Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                                      15×1=15

  1. N-type semiconductors are formed by adding Pentavalent impurity to a pure Semiconductor.

  2. In Intrinsic semiconductors number of electrons are Equal to number of  Protons.

  3. Conduction in P-type semiconductor is due to movement of Holes .  

  4. The value of knee voltage for silicon diode is 0.7 V

  5. A Photodiode is optimized for its sensitivity to 

  6. Zener diode is made to operate in Zener Breakdown Region.

  7. A transistor contains Two PN Junction .

  8. The emitter of a transistor is Highly doped. 

  9. The value of collector current of a transistor is Always Less than to emitter Current.

  10. In transistor, leakage current mainly depends on Temperature.

  11. The ideal value of stability factor is 1 .

  12. The gain stability of an amplifier circuit can be improved by using  Negative Feedback .

  13. For a transistor to work as an amplifier, its operating point should lie in Active Region.

  14. FET is a Three terminal semiconductor.

  15. MOSFET stands for Metal  Oxide Filed Effect Transister .


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. How N-type semiconductor is formed?

  2. What are intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?

  3. Write a note on PN Junction ?

  4. What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol and explain its Working ?

  5. What is Transistor? Draw and explain PNP

  6. Differentiate between FET and

  7. What do you mean by thermal runaway?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. What are needs of filter? Explain π (Pi) filter in detail.

  2. Derive an expression for amplification factor (β) of common emitter configuration.

  3. Explain the divider method of biasing for transistor (CE).

  4. What is CMOS? Explain its advantages and application.

  5. Explain the concept of bipolar transistor and draw symbol of NPN and PNP transistors.


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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS be paper

N-type semiconductors are formed by adding ______ Impurity to a Pure Semiconductor

Pentavalent Impurity

In Intrinsic semiconductors number of electrons are  to number of
Conduction in P-type semiconductor is due to movement of _____.


Value of knee voltage for silicon diode is ____.

0.7 V

A Photodiode is optimized for its sensitivity to
Zener diode is made to operate in _____ Region

Zener Breakdown Region

A transistor contains______PN Junction


The gain stability of an amplifier circuit can be improved by using ____.

Negative Feedback

The value of collector current of a transistor is ____ to emitter Current.

Always Less than

In transistor, leakage current mainly depends on _______.


The ideal value of stability factor is ____.


FET is a _____ terminal semiconductor


MOSFET stands for __________

Metal  Oxide Filed Effect Transister

When both the junctions of a transistor are forward biased, it is said to be in _______________ Region

Saturation Region

Basic Electronics PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2017.Download Previous Year Basic Electronics 2nd Sem Semester ECE ,CSE Question Paper Solution Click Here

Section B : BE PAPER MAY 2018 PAPER

Explain Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor with Suitable Diagram ?

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semi-conductor Click Here.

What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol and explain its characteristics.

What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol and characteristics 

Explain the Working of Half Wave Rectifier

Working of Half wave Rectifier click here

Explain the working of NPN Transistor ?

Working of NPN Transistor Click Here

Difference Between FET and BJT ?
h-Parameters (hybrid Parameter) of transistors ?

hybrid Parameter) of transistor

In what way the temperature variations affect the operating point of a transistor?

Temperature variations affect the operating point of a transistor 

Explain the Phase reversal of output voltage with respect to input voltage in an Amplifier ?

Phase reversal of output voltage with respect to input voltage in an Amplifier 

Basic Electronics PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2017 Solution Click Here


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Section c solved bee paper

Needs of filter ? Explain π (Pi) filter

Need of Filter    Pi Filter Click Here

Derive an expression for amplification factor (β) of common emitter configuration ?

Full Wave common emitter configuration

Explain the divider method of biasing for transistor (CE)

Divider method of Biasing

Input and Output Characteristics of CE configuration of a Transistor ?

CE configuration of a Transistor Click Here

Concept of CMOS,Advantages and Application ?

CMOS Full Detials

Concept of Bipolar Transistor Symbol of BJT

Concept of Bipolar transistor

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