BASIC ELECTRONICS 2nd Sem/ECE/CSE/IT/EEE/0664/May 2018                                  SECTION-A

Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                                                                      15×1=15

  1. N-type semiconductors are formed by adding Pentavalent impurities to a Pure Semiconductor.
  2. Efficiency of half wave rectifier is 40.6%
  3. Center-Tap transformer is used in Full Wave Rectifier.
  4. Filter circuits are used to reduce ac Components.
  5. The value of knee voltage for silicon diode is 0.7 V .
  6. Zener diode is made to operate in Zener Breakdown Region.
  7. In BJT, leakage current mainly depends on Temperature.
  8. The point of intersection of dc and ac load line is called Operating Point (Q Point) .
  9. AC load line of a transistor is steeper than its D.C. load line. (T/F) True
  10. The Best Biasing Method is achieved by adopting Potential Divider or Voltage Divider Biasing.
  11. JFET stands for Junction Field Effect Transistor.
  12. MOSFET is a Voltage Controlled device.
  13. The emitter and collector regions of BJT is Highly Doped  and Moderate Doped.
  14. Free Electrons Exists in Valence Band.
  15. When both the Junctions of a transistor are Forward Biased, it is said to be in Saturation Region.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                 5×6=30

  1. Explain with suitable Diagram Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor ?
  2. What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol and explain its characteristics.
  3. Explain the working of Half wave Rectifier ?
  4. Explain the working of NPN Transistor .
  5. Explain the difference between FET and BJT ?
  6. What do you mean by h parameters of transistors?
  7. In what way the temperature variations affect the operating point of a transistor?
  8. Explain the Phase reversal of output voltage with respect to input voltage in an Amplifier ?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                            3×10=30

    1. Explain conductors, insulators and semiconductors on the Basis of their Energy Band Theory ?
    2. Draw Circuit of a Full Wave Bridge Rectifier and Explain its working. Draw the Output Waveform ?
    3. Explain PN Junction and draw the V-I characteristics of PN Junction ?
    4. Explain the input and output characteristics of CE configuration. Derive the relation Between α and β.
    5. Write a Short note on (any two)
      1. Light Emitting Diode
      2. Drift and Diffusion current.
      3. Filter Circuit 


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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS basic electronics be may paper 2018

Which Impurity is added to Pure Semiconductor to Form N-type semiconductors

Pentavalent Impurity

What is The Efficiency of Half Wave Rectifier


Which Transformer used in Full Wave Rectifier

Center-Tap transformer 

Filter circuits are used to reduce

ac component

The value of knee voltage for silicon diode is

Knee Voltage of Silicon diode is 0.7V

Zener diode is made to operate in _______ Region

Zener Breakdown Region

In BJT, leakage current mainly depends on ___________.


AC load line of a transistor is steeper than its D.C. load line. (T/F)


The Best Biasing Method is achieved by adopting _______________________.

Potential Divider or Voltage Divider Biasing.

JFET stands for ______________________________.

Junction Field Effect Transistor

MOSFET is a _____________________ Controlled device

Voltage Controlled device.

The emitter and collector regions of BJT is ___________ Doped  and _____________ Doped

Emitter is Highly Doped and Collector is Moderate Doped.

Free Electrons Exists in _____________ Band.

Valence Band

When both the junctions of a transistor are forward biased, it is said to be in _______________ Region

Saturation Region

JK Engineering Classes Basic Electronics BE Paper May 2018 Solution Click Here

Section B : basic electronics BE PAPER MAY 2018 PAPER

Explain Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor with Suitable Diagram ?

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor Click Here.

What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol and explain its characteristics.

What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol and characteristics 

Explain the Working of Half Wave Rectifier

Working of Half wave Rectifier click here

Explain the working of NPN Transistor ?

Working of NPN Transistor Click Here

Difference Between FET and BJT ?
h-Parameters (hybrid Parameter) of transistors ?

hybrid Parameter) of transistor

In what way the temperature variations affect the operating point of a transistor?

Temperature variations affect the operating point of a transistor 

Explain the Phase reversal of output voltage with respect to input voltage in an Amplifier ?

Phase reversal of output voltage with respect to input voltage in an Amplifier 

JK Engineering Classes Provide the Video lecture solution of these paper Click Here


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Section c solved bee paper

Explain conductors, insulators and semiconductors on the Basis of their Energy Band Theory ?

Energy Band Theory Click Here

Explain Construction Working of Full Wave Bridge Rectifier ?

Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Click Here

Explain PN Junction and draw the V-I characteristics of PN Junction ?

 PN Junction Click Here

Input and Output Characteristics of CE configuration of a Transistor ?

CE configuration of a Transistor Click Here

Write Short Note on Light Emitting Diode ?

Light Emitting Diode

Define Drift and Diffusion current

Drift and Diffusion current

Filter Circuit 

Filter Circuit 

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