APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Sem Diploma /2254/5424/Common/Nov 2015 Paper

Applied Chemistry 2 Diploma Download and solved previous year question paper for Applied Chemistry-II Diploma subjects in 2nd semester in Electrical Engineering,Mechanical and Civil  Electrical and Electronics Engineering for Batch 2018 onward

APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/2254/2451/5424/Common/Nov’15


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                                                 10×1=10

  1. The formula of copper pyrite is CuFeS
  2. Oxide ores are concentrated by _____Process.
  3. Slow and continuous decay of metal by mechanical force is known as Corrosion.
  4. Water gas is a mixture of Hydrogen and  Nitrogen
  5. Cetane  number is used for rating of Diesel.
  6. Lubrication is the process of decreasing ________ in the Machine .
  7. Pigment varnish is called ________ 
  8. Natural rubber is a polymer of  _____
  9. Fibres are________ than elastomers 
  10. The major air pollutant is __________

(B)   State True or False                                                                                                                              5×1=5

  1. The metals are electropositive in nature. True
  2. A good fuel has low moisture . True
  3. Grease is low viscous in nature. True
  4. All macromolecules are the are polymers.
  5. Acidic soil damages the crops.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                     5×6=30

  1. Explain smelting and  calcinations ?
  2. What is erosion? How it is different from corrosion?
  3. What are the characteristics of a good fuel?
  4. What are the functions of lubricants?
  5. Name various constituents of Explain functions of a drying oil and thinner.
  6. What do you understand by homopolymers and copolymers?
  7. What are polymers? Give its
  8. What is water pollution? Give the sources of water
  9. Define corrosion? What is the cause of corrosion?


Q3. Attempt any Five questions.                                                         5×6=30

  1. Describe the composition and uses of Brass and Gun
  2. Explain caustic Embrittlement and stress
  3. What is producer gas? Give its composition and
  4. Define fire point, flash point, emulsification, viscosity ,cloud point and pour
  5. What are refractories? Explain the types of
  6. Give the preparation and uses of Polythene and
  7. Explain acid rain and global
  8. Explain LPG and  

APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/2254/2451/5424/Common/Nov’15 PSBTE Question Paper for  for EE and ECE and Mechanical ENGINEERING 

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2nd Exam/Common/
2254/Nov 2015 PAPER sOLUTION

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2nd Exam/Common/
2254/Nov 2015 PAPER

The formula of copper pyrite is __________

The formula of copper pyrite is CuFeS

Oxide ores are concentrated by _____Process.

Oxide ores are concentrated by _____Process.


Slow and continuous decay of metal by mechanical force is known as ________

Slow and continuous decay of metal by mechanical force is known as Corrosion.

Water gas is a mixture of ________ and ________

Water gas is a mixture of Hydrogen and  Nitrogen

________ number is used for rating of Diesel.

Cetane  number is used for rating of Diesel.

Lubrication is the process of decreasing ________ in the Machine

Lubrication is the process of decreasing ________ in the Machine.

Pigment varnish is called _______

Pigment varnish is called _______

Natural rubber is a polymer of _________

Natural rubber is a polymer of  _____

Fibres are________ than elastomers

Fibres are________ than elastomers 

The major air pollutant is _______

The major air pollutant is ________

(B)   State True or False

(B)   State True or False                                                                                                                             


The metals are electropositive in nature.


A good fuel has low moisture .


Grease is low viscous in nature.


All macromolecules are the are polymers.
Acidic soil damages the crops.

APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/Common/2254/Nov 2015 PAPER SOLUTION Click Here 

2nd Exam/Common/
2254/Nov 2015 PAPER

Explain smelting and  calcinations ?

Smelting and calcinations

What is erosion? How it is different from corrosion?


different from corrosion

What are the characteristics of a good fuel?

Characteristics of a good fuel

What are the functions of lubricants ?

Functions of lubricants

Name various constituents of Explain functions of a drying oil and thinner.

Explain functions of a drying oil and thinner.

What do you understand by homopolymers and copolymers?

homopolymers and copolymers

What are polymers? Give its

What are polymers

What is water pollution? Give the sources of water

water pollution

Give the sources of water

Define corrosion? What is the cause of corrosion?


cause of corrosion

APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/Common/2254/Nov 2015 PAPER SOLUTION Click Here

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2254/Nov 2018 PAPER sOLUTION

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2nd Exam/Common/
2254/Nov 2015 PAPER

Describe the composition and uses of Brass and Gun

Composition and uses of Brass and Gun

Explain caustic Embrittlement and stress

Caustic Embrittlement and stress

What is producer gas? Give its composition and

What is producer gas 

Define fire point, flash point, emulsification, viscosity ,cloud point and pour

fire point, flash point, emulsification, viscosity ,cloud point and pour

What are refractories? Explain the types of refractories

What are refractories

types of refractories

Give the preparation and uses of Polythene and

preparation and uses of Polythene and

Explain acid rain and global Warning  ?

 acid rain and global Warning 

Explain LPG and  


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