APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/2254/2451/5424/Common/Nov’17
Q1. Do as directed.                           15×1=15
      a   Slag is a product of Flux and Gangue Â
      b.  Bronze is an alloy of copper and  iron
      c. Water gas is a mixture of hydrogen and  Carbon Monooxide.Â
     d.    Galvanizing is the process of depositing   Zinc  on ions.
     e.  Main hydrocarbon of biogas is Methane
     f.  The velocity of grease is                         than of olive oil.
    g.  In paint, gypsum is used as                          .
    h.  The monomer of PVC is                     .
        Least polluting car fuel is                 Â
    j.  The unit of intensity of sound is                      Â
Q2. State True and False.                       5×1=5
   1.Brass is a non-ferrous alloy.
   2.A good fuel has low calorific Value.     False
   3.Volatility of a lubricant should be low.
   4.Fibres are weaker than elastomers
   5.Chloromethane is the monomer of
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                5×6=30
   i. Explain Froth floation process for the concentration of sulphide.
   ii. Write a short note on metal cladding and metal.
  iii. What is a producer gas? Give its composition and
  iv. What are functions of lubricants?
  v. Difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics?
  vi. What are the applications of polymers?
  vii. What are main sources of air pollution?
 viii. Define erosion. How it is different from corrosion?
Q3. Attempt any Five questions.                             5×6=30
Describe the composition and uses of of bronze and gun metal.
Explain electro chemical theory of
What are fuels? Give the characteristics of good Fuels.
Define fire point, flash point, viscosity, viscosity index, cloud point and pour point.
What is glass? Give composition and uses of glass.
What are lubricants? How are they classified?
Explain green house effect and global warming.
Define plastic. Give constituent and applications of
APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/2254/2451/5424/Common/Nov’17 PSBTE Question Paper for for EE and ECE and Mechanical ENGINEERINGÂ
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APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/Common/ 2254/Nov 2017 PAPER sOLUTION
Get StartedSECTION A :-APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/Common/ 2254/Nov 2017 PAPER
Slag is a product of _________Slag is a product of Flux and Gangue
Bronze is an alloy of copper and ________Bronze is an alloy of copper and  iron
 Water gas is a mixture of hydrogen and ________ Water gas is a mixture of hydrogen and  Carbon Monooxide.Â
Galvanizing is the process of depositing _________  on ions.Galvanizing is the process of depositing   Zinc on ions.
Main hydrocarbon of biogas is ________Main hydrocarbon of biogas is Methane
  The velocity of grease is ________ than of olive oil.  The velocity of grease is                         than of olive oil.
 In paint, gypsum is used as ________. In paint, gypsum is used as           Â
      Least polluting car fuel is ________      Least polluting car fuel is                 Â
Q2. State True and False. Brass is a non-ferrous alloy. A good fuel has low calorific Value.ÂFalse
Volatility of a lubricant should be low. Fibres are weaker than elastomers Chloromethane is the monomer ofChloromethane is the monomer of
 The unit of intensity of sound is The unit of intensity of sound is              Â
The monomer of PVC is _________Â .
APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam//2254/Nov 2018 PAPER Click HereÂ
APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/Common/ 2254/Nov 2018 PAPER
Explain Froth floation process for the concentration of sulphideFroth floation process for the concentration of sulphide
Write a short note on metal cladding and metalShort note on metal cladding and metal
What is a producer gas? Give its composition andProducer gas
What are functions of lubricants?Functions of lubricantsÂ
Difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics?Difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics
What are the applications of polymers?Applications of polymers
What are main sources of air pollution?Main sources of air pollution
Define erosion. How it is different from corrosion?Erosion.
How it is different from corrosion
APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/2254/Nov 2018 PAPERÂ Click Here
APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/Common/ 2254/Nov 2018 PAPER sOLUTION
Get Started c APPLIED CHEMISTRY-II 2nd Exam/Common/ 2254/Nov 2018 PAPER sOLUTION
Define: i) metallurgy ii) mineral iii) ore iv) gangue v) fluxDefine: i) metallurgy
ii) mineral
iii) ore
iv) gangue v) flux
  b) Give composition and uses of i) brass ii) bronze  b) Give composition and uses of
i) brass
ii) bronze
Q4 a) Explain the heat treatment methods to prevent corrosion of metals.Heat treatment methods to prevent corrosion of metals.
Explain the process of cementationProcess of cementation
What are the characteristics of a good fuel?Characteristics of a good fuel
b) Give composition and uses of      a) water gas      b) producer gasb) Give composition and uses of      a) water gas      b) producer gas
What are anti knock compounds? Give two examples.anti knock compounds? Give two examples.
What are refractories? Explain its types with examplesWhat are refractories and its Example
b) What is enamel? What are the constituents and applications of enamels?Enamel
Constituents and applications of enamels?
Explain addition and condensation polymers with examples.Addition and condensation polymers with examples.
What are the characteristics of a good lubricant ?Characteristics of a good lubricant