6th Diploma Exam/Civil/5130/May 2019

STEEL STRUCTURES DESIGN 6th Exam/Civil/5130/May 2019


Duration: 3Hrs.                                                                                                                                     M.Marks:75

Note: Use of IS: 800 and Steel Tables are permitted in examination.


Q1. a) Fill in the blanks.                                                                                                                                15×1=15

  1. According to IS 800:1984, Maximum Permissible tensile stress in Steel Sections is 0.6 × fy.
  2. In IS 800: 1984, Symbol fy represents minimum yield stress in Steel.
  3. For 28mm diameter rivet, the diameter of rivet hole will be 28+2=30mm.
  4. Sectional area of “ISLC 150 @ 141.3 N/m” is 1836 mm².
  5. For 75° Fusion Angle the Effective throat thickness of 6mm welds is 2 mm.
  6. Maximum pitch in rivets shall not exceed 30t or 300mm.
  7. Increase in carbon content in steel cause  decrease ductility.
  8. ΣV = 0, ΣH = 0 and ΣM = 0 are called equations of equilibrium.
  9. In plate girder Bearing stiffeners are provided at the support.
  10. Zero bending stress occurs at neutral axis of Beam.
    b) State True or False.
    1. Beam is a flexural Member.             (True)
    2. For Power Driven Shop Rivets (PDSR) allowable shear stress is 100N/mm².  (True)
    3. Minimum Pitch Distance in Rivets shall be two times of rivet (False)
    4. Brittle Failure is not possible in Welding.  (False)
    5. Strut is a member subjected to an axial Pull.   (False)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. Draw neat and labeled sketches of Lap Joint, Single Cover Butt Joint & Double cover Butt Joint with Riveted Connections.
  2. Calculate minimum numbers of rivets required to connect a 14mm thick steel flat with a 12mm thick gusset plate to support an axial pull of 230kN for shop fabrication. Also Specify Diameter of Rivets.
  3. Write the steps to design an axially loaded Column.
  4. What are purlins?
  5. Differentiate between Clear Span, Effective Span & Total span of a beam with the help of sketches.
  6. What are disadvantages of welding?
  7. What are laterally restrained beams? Explain with Sketches ?
  8. How depth of Masonry wall foundation is decided?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. Design a simply supported beam of span 4.0 m to carry a superimposed load of 55 kN/m inclusive of its self-weight. The beam is laterally restrained throughout its length.(Assume missing Data)
  2. Write about various components of Roof Trusses (Minimum Ten).
  3. Design a Single angle discontinue strut of 2.0 m length to carry an axial compressive load of 100 kN. With welded end connection using 10mm gusset plate. (Assume missing Data)
  4. Design a 2.5m long Single angle section to act as tension member subjected to a tensile load of 160kN. With Shop Riveted (PDSR) Connections at end. Assume thickness of gusset.
  5. Calculate the efficiency of Joint shown in Figure A. for shop Fabrication.

STEEL STRUCTURES DESIGN 6th Exam/Civil/5130/May 2019

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6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2019

According to IS 800:1984, Maximum Permissible tensile stress in Steel Sections is ______× fy.

According to IS 800:1984, Maximum Permissible tensile stress in Steel Sections is 0.6× fy.

In IS 800: 1984, Symbol fy represents ____________ stress in Steel.

In IS 800: 1984, Symbol fy represents minimum yield stress in Steel.

For 28mm diameter rivet, the diameter of rivet hole will be ________

For 28mm diameter rivet, the diameter of rivet hole will be 28+2=30mm.


Sectional area of “ISLC 150 @ 141.3 N/m” is _______ mm²

Sectional area of “ISLC 150 @ 141.3 N/m” is 1836 mm².

For 75° Fusion Angle the Effective throat thickness of 6mm welds is ____ mm.

For 75° Fusion Angle the Effective throat thickness of 6mm welds is 2 mm.

Maximum pitch in rivets shall not exceed _______.

Maximum pitch in rivets shall not exceed 30t or 300mm.

Increase in carbon content in steel cause  _________.

Increase in carbon content in steel cause  decrease ductility.

ΣV = 0, ΣH = 0 and ΣM = 0 are called ________.

ΣV = 0, ΣH = 0 and ΣM = 0 are called equations of equilibrium.

In plate girder Bearing stiffeners are provided at ________.

In plate girder Bearing stiffeners are provided at the support.

Zero bending stress occurs at _________ of Beam.

Zero bending stress occurs at neutral axis of Beam.

b) State True or False.


Beam is a flexural Member.


For Power Driven Shop Rivets (PDSR) allowable shear stress is 100N/mm².


Minimum Pitch Distance in Rivets shall be two times of rivet.


Brittle Failure is not possible in Welding. 



Strut is a member subjected to an axial Pull. 


6th Diploma Exam/Civil/5130/May 2019 Diploma Solved Paper May 2019 .Click Here

6th Diploma /Civil/5130/May 2019

Draw neat and labeled sketches of Lap Joint, Single Cover Butt Joint & Double cover Butt Joint with Riveted Connections.

Lap Joint, Single Cover Butt Joint & Double cover Butt Joint with Riveted Connections. Click Here

Calculate minimum numbers of rivets required to connect a 14mm thick steel flat with a 12mm thick gusset plate to support an axial pull of 230kN for shop fabrication. Also Specify Diameter of Rivets.
What are purlins ?


Differentiate between Clear Span, Effective Span & Total span of a beam with the help of sketches.
What are disadvantages of welding?

Disadvantages of welding

What are laterally restrained beams? Explain with Sketches ?


How depth of Masonry wall foundation is decided?

6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2019 Click Here

6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2019

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6th Diploma/Civil/5130/May 2019

Design a simply supported beam of span 4.0 m to carry a superimposed load of 55 kN/m inclusive of its self-weight. The beam is laterally restrained throughout its length.(Assume missing Data)
Write about various components of Roof Trusses.

Various components of Roof Trusses.

Design a Single angle discontinue strut of 2.0 m length to carry an axial compressive load of 100 kN. With welded end connection using 10mm gusset plate
Design a 2.5m long Single angle section to act as tension member subjected to a tensile load of 160kN. With Shop Riveted (PDSR) Connections at end. Assume thickness of gusset.
Calculate the efficiency of Joint shown in Figure A. for shop Fabrication.

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